Wall Mount Monitor
Product Summary
The B&W CW M 5 is the compact solution for in-wall speakers. It is completely versatile -
demanding little wall space - and is easy to accommodate in virtually any home or
commercial application.
Benefiting from B&W 's in-house technology throughout, the CW M 5 makes few sonic
compromises. The sound quality easily exceeds most competitively priced conventional
Drive Un its
1 x 125 mm (5in) polypropylene
bass/ midrange
Height: 22 7mm Width: 160mm
Min depth req: 75mm (3in) from wall
Dim e n sio n s
1 x 25mm (1in) polymer diaphra gm -
Semi-ma tt white suita ble for
customising or pre-painting
Fin ish
Fr e q u e n cy Re s p o n se 75Hz - 20kHz ± 3 dB on reference a xis
Se n sitivity 87dB spl (2.83V 1m)
N o m in a l Im p e d a n ce 8 ohms
P o w e r Ha n d lin g 20 - 70W into 8 ohms on unclipped
B&W Loudspeakers Ltd reserves the right to amend details of the specifications without notice in line with technical developments. E & OE. All trademarks acknowledged.
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